Thursday 14 May 2015

20 Random Facts About Me - Get To Know Me!

Since I love doing tags and quizzes, today I have decided to bring you with a '20 Random Facts About Me' post. I tried to make this as interesting as possible so I hope you enjoy! If you have any really random facts about yourselves, leave them in the comments below! :)

 So here are my 20 random facts about me:

1. I'm left handed although I eat right handed. (fork in my left hand) 

2. I have a birthmark in the shape of a love heart.

3. I've met way more than your average amount of celebrities.

4. I'm 5"2 1/2 so I'm a lil shortcake.

5. I love TV and Film and attending TV shows/ Film conventions. 

6. I have a serious addiction to Netflix and drama series. (Prison Break and Pretty Little Liars) 

7. I am still obsessed with Pokémon and I have completed every single game out so far. 

8. Whenever I go to Victoria Secret I ALWAYS have to buy a body spray/body wash/spray set and I can't leave with just one, it has to be all of them. (And all the same scent obv) 

9. I've had a full fringe on/off for pretty much most of my life. 

10. I was born with black hair and then it turned blonde. (I'm like an opposite of Rapunzel) 

11. Disneyland is my favourite place in the whole wide world.

12. I love Italy and Italian food and if I could, I would move there permanently. 

13. I would love a career in Television but not actually on TV. (I want to do behind the scenes stuff) 

14. I love bow ties on guys and I often make them. (I actually made some spiky ones for Jedward and they wore them on TV) 

15. I have 5 tattoos and I have a very high pain tolerance. 

16. I am NOT afraid of snakes. I've actually stroked one and think little ones are cute? 

17. My favourite animal is an Elephant and Dumbo is one of my favourite films of all time.

18. I could live off mint chocolate for the rest of my life. Specifically mint aeros. I loooove chocolate. 

19. I'm one of those people who order weird things at Starbucks like caramel macchiatos with pumps of strawberry syrup. 

20. I have strong views on feminism and animal welfare and can be very opinionated. 


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